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I am a former member of Echo Recon 1st of the 8th from Dec 1969 to Oct 1970. Our unit was with D Co. when we crossed back into Vietnam from Cambodia. We were almost together on May 8, when your Co. found the large cache of weapons. I have been writing a memorial book about Echo Co 1970. In so doing, I have used a significant amount of material from your site. I am seeking permission to use that material for my book. I would gladly contribute funds to your site for that purpose. I would appreciate hearing from you regarding my request.

Added: March 17, 2023
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Hope everyone has a Very Merry Xmas and a GreatNewYear!

Added: December 13, 2022
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I graduated from HS in 72 with a 4-year Army ROTC scholarship, so I missed out on going to Vietnam, but spent 4-years with the 20th Combat Engineer Battalion at Fort Campbell, and served with a lot of vets that had been in Vietnam. Learned a lot from those guys and respect all that were there.

Added: June 28, 2022
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I was a slick pilot, B/227, Potato Masher 13, 69-70. Enjoyed wandering through your website. Worked with you guys a bunch. Bless your hearts.

Added: June 5, 2022
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Hoping to connect with guys in my squad, early months of 1970, I was a squad leader in the 3rd platoon. I don't remember all of the squad just a few; Bill Pease, Roger "Bebop" Beabout, Charlie Byrd, Angel Torres. Anyone knowing info on these guys please contact me, very much appreciated.

Bill Nosse

Added: May 9, 2020
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1966-1967. 3rd Plt. Sgt.Musial(Sgt Rock)

Added: May 6, 2020
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Great site, I am hoping to make contact with guys from my squad (3rd platoon). I was wounded June 1970 and medvac out. I don't remember names just nicknames. Scotty, Smiley, Pease.

Added: April 19, 2020
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Very informative.. Hopefully my reenactment group will learn a thing or two from it. Nice pictures of what you carried, too. Thank you and all the others for your service.

Added: March 31, 2020
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thanks for all our vietnam vets service and thanks
for this website.

Admin reply: You are quite welcome Tony!
Thank you for the donation to the website. It is much appreciated!

Added: August 2, 2019
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Gordon, your web-site is remarkable.

My late father, Gen. John R. Galvin (USA, Ret.), was battalion commander for 1/8—Ed Nored’s thread notes he assumed command 5-5-70 from LTC McClosky.
My dad is pictured in several photos, including 5-16-70 when Ed received an Air Medal (third from L, glasses).
My father died in September 2015, not long after publishing Fighting the Cold War: A Soldier’s Memoir. This memoir includes two chapters on Vietnam, 1967-68 and 69-70. A number of soldiers who served with him in Vietnam visited many times, including then-Capt. Brian Utermahlen, LTG (Ret.) Pete Taylor, Tom Bell, MSG Chris Manis, Bruce “Zorba” James (helicopter pilot), and Jerome Rektorik.
I’m working on a collection of poetry and photos recounting stories he shared while working on the memoir. Thank you to all who have shared stories. If others have memories of my father, I welcome them. Regards, Kathleen

Added: March 6, 2018
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