jbphot30.jpg (10307 bytes) Click on image for a larger view.

 Johns' comments: We hit a group of VC out in the field, killed his father we think his mother

 took his sister, then told him to stay in hiding. Luckily he was not that

 good and our 60 gunner who found him was not ready to fire. Took him back to

 the FSB and the Vietnamese took him and placed him up for adoption. Kid was

 able to the intel guys the type of weapons, how many trips to Saigon and how

 they went there along with the names of everyone in the group. Smart boy.

 (note the 1st Cav and 8th Cav medals that were pinned on his shirt!) Sure would like to know where he is      




jbphot31.jpg (8877 bytes) Click on image for a larger view.

 Bunkers on fire support base (LZ).



jbphot32.jpg (8630 bytes) Click on image for a larger view.

 Picture of the "helipad" located just off the fire support base. (could be LZ Candy).


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