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L-R: SSG Gordon Moore (then 1st platoon / 2nd squad leader, later 1st platoon sgt.), Joe Braden.


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Joe "Sweet Cheeks" Braden.


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Red Cross "Donut Dolly" with 1st platoon, 2nd squad machine-gunner.


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1st Cav band at LZ Wescott.


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1st platoon preparing to be airlifted to the field from LZ Wescott. (Joe Braden standing with the M-16).


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Here's one photo of a guy jumping out of a helicopter.  The guy right behind him, preparing to jump off, is MG Casey, the father of the present-day Gen. Casey (vice chief of staff and soon-to-be CO in Iraq).  MG Casey was soon to be one of the highest ranking KIAs of the war.  (I'm sending Gen. Casey a copy of it.)

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